The SWCDeF Inc. Management Committee members represent a range of organisations including:
- South West Group member Councils (City of Cockburn, Town of East
Fremantle, City of Kwinana, City of Melville and City of Rockingham) - Chambers of Commerce (Fremantle, Rockingham-Kwinana)
- Business
- Community
Management Committee membership for 2021/2022 is as follows:
- Councillor Adin Lang (City of Fremantle) – Chair
- Councillor Dennis Wood (City of Kwinana) – Vice-Chair
- Councillor Duncan Macphail (City of Melville) – Treasurer
- Dr Kathleen Broderick (Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance NRM Facilitator) – Secretary
- Councillor Tarun Dewan (City of Cockburn)
- Councillor Phoebe Corke (City of Cockburn deputy)
- Councillor Tony Natale (Town of East Fremantle)
- Councillor Dean Nardi (Town of East Fremantle deputy)
- Councillor Ben Lawver (City of Fremantle deputy)
- Councillor Sherilyn Wood (City of Kwinana deputy / Individual member)
- Councillor Glynis Barber (City of Melville deputy)
- Councillor Robert Schmidt (City of Rockingham)
- Councillor Caroline Hume (City of Rockingham deputy)
- Warwick Carter A/Director (Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance)