Areas within the South West Metropolitan Region has some of the highest levels of unemployment, particularly in regards to youth and socially disadvantaged sectors on the community. Increasing jobs in the region and skilling people to undertake current and future work demands so that there is greater employment self-sufficiency and self-containment has multiple economic and social benefits to the community. The South West Group works with employment and business support services to identify opportunities for better training, matching people looking for work with jobs and development the skills of the workforce to facilitate higher levels of employment.

This report prepared in June 2009 represents the first comprehensive assessment and plan for workforce in the South West Metropolitan Region. The plan was funded under the National Skills Shortage Strategy on behalf of the then Department of Education, Employment and Workforce Relations (DEEWR) and undertaken in partnership with the Federal Government, South West Group and its member Councils and industry stakeholders. The South West Group is working with employment service providers and industry groups to progressively implement key recommendations of this plan.