The Issue

The Australian cruise industry is a significant part of the economy contributing $5.3 billion to Australian GDP, growing at an impressive 15.4%. Western Australia accounts for 7.3% of the national economic contribution with $387.4 million. Fremantle is the dominant cruise industry port in WA and the estimated economic value of the cruise ship industry to Fremantle is $314.7 million.

The cruise industry understands its economic contribution and will readily relocate its home ports, turnaround ports and transit ports if facilities are not attractive for the cruise operator and/or cruise passengers. Transit visit passengers may choose to remain on the vessel if connections to attractions are poor.

The Opportunity

In Fremantle’s case there is an outstanding opportunity to link a relocated cruise terminal to the heritage rich centre of Fremantle. Improved access for cruise ship passengers from the passenger terminal into the commercial precinct will significantly enhance the image of both the city, the state and country at this important gateway as well as boosting Fremantle’s economy through increased visitor numbers. Improved connections will also enable long-term opportunities for tourism, cultural and recreational uses along Victoria Quay.

What is the opportunity worth?

There was a loss of 30,000 embarking/disembarking passengers from 2016/17 to 2017/18, equating to $36 million loss of economic activity for WA. The expected growth from 2018 to 2030 in world-wide industry is 56%, which equates to $176.2 million in potential revenue for the Fremantle economy.

Our ask of Government

There is an opportunity to capitalise on this revenue opportunity for the local economy as long as connections to central Fremantle are improved. One way to improve connections between the Fremantle Passenger Terminal and the Fremantle commercial centre is shown below.

We ask that the WA State Government work with Fremantle Ports and the City of Fremantle on a plan to address this nationally significant problem.