To gain commitment from the Federal and State Governments to construct a bridge over the Kwinana freeway linking Armadale Road to North Lake Road.

The South West Group is seeking the Federal Government to provide $80 million (50% of total cost) over the next term of government to fund the construction of the Armadale Road Bridge.


The South West Group is a strong regional advocate for integrated development and the future well being of the South West Metropolitan Region.

The South West Group comprises the Cities of Cockburn, Fremantle, Kwinana, Melville and Rockingham, and the Town of East Fremantle. It represents a region with more than 375,000 people and an annual Gross Regional Product of more than $20 billion.

The South West Group plays a key role in capturing a wide range of opportunities to enhance economic growth throughout the region, while servicing and sustaining cohesive, productive communities in an enviable environmental setting.

The South West Group continues to advocate for coordinated and sustainable infrastructure development in the South West Metropolitan Region to improve economic outcomes and the quality of life for its residents.


The South West Metropolitan Region is one of Western Australia’s most productive regions, with an unmatched intensity of industrial development, high value manufacturing and economic activity.

The growth of the region has been dramatic over the past decade driven by the strong Western Australian economy and demand for commodities flowing from the state’s linkages with the growing economies of China and India. The region contributes over $30 billion each year to the $217 billion Western Australian economy.

The South West Metropolitan Region enjoys a strong stable economy linked with a quality lifestyle offered by the wide range of living, working and leisure opportunities. The lifestyle is supported by quality recreation, education and cultural facilities that take advantage of the region’s natural and social attributes. The success of the region is based on its well educated, skilled population and the mix of high technology and world scale manufacturing industries, which are supported by a strong services sector.

The South West Metropolitan Region is well positioned for continued strong growth and to benefit from the sustained investment in transport, manufacturing and health infrastructure in the next decade. This investment is not only in response to the sustained growth of the region, but also based on the competitive advantages of the region.

There are some challenges ahead in ensuring that our
investment in transport infrastructure and services accommodates further population growth, provides for reliable freight movement and links people to emerging activity centres and employment areas.

In the lead up to the 2013 State Election, the South West Group has developed a list of strategic priority projects which it considers to be necessary to sustain public and private sector investment in the region to support the long term growth of the Western Australian economy.

Strategic Priority Projects

The South West Group considers the following projects to be the strategic priorities for the South West Metropolitan Region. The South West Group will be seeking election commitments from the major political parties on the following strategic priority projects:

Commitment to increase the footprint of land required for the intermodal terminal at Latitude 32 and accelerated land acquisition

The development of a new port(s) at Kwinana is arguably the most signifi project in the South West Metropolitan Region. The State Government is currently undertaking a Planning Assessment to identify and consolidate existing information and determine future approvals required for the future port and industry development in the Kwinana area.

The Kwinana Intermodal Freight Terminal, located within Latitude 32, is a key facility for the successful operation of the proposed Fremantle Outer Harbour. A district structure plan only identified a 70 hectare footprint for the intermodal terminal footprint, however a review of requirements has identified that 170 hectares would be necessary. The State Government is currently assessing the implication of the increased footprint. The South West Group supports increasing the footprint of the intermodal area to 170 hectares and its early acquisition, as well as an integrated approach to the planning and coordination of infrastructure, connecting corridors and services related to the port and Latitude 32.

Estimated Cost: South West Group is seeking the State Government to provide $50 million over the next term of Government to complete the land acquisition, including an allocation of $10 million in the 2013/14 financial year to continue the land acquisition process.

Establishment of park and ride facility at Canning Vale

Journey to work data indicates that a large proportion of patrons using the Murdoch station travel by car from the south eastern suburbs, predominantly along Ranford Road and South Street. Rather than patrons from these growth areas taking up more car parking in the future at the Murdoch station, a transport interchange with car park at Canning Vale is supported.

The interchange would be linked to regular bus services using the existing priority bus lanes on South Street during AM and PM peak periods. The proposed park and ride facility would be an efficient public transport initiative that would reduce congestion at Murdoch station. A potential site along Ranford Road has been identified by the City of Canning to accommodate the park and ride facility between the railway line and the Ranford Road landfill site.

Estimated Cost: South West Group is seeking the State Government to provide $8 million over the next two years to deliver this important regional public transport project, including funds to commence the project in the 2013/14 financial year.

Southern freeway connection for the Murdoch Activity Centre to link with Kwinana Freeway

Traffic modelling for the Murdoch Activity Centre has shown unacceptable levels of morning peak period congestion along the Kwinana Freeway at South Street (heading north) and congestion within the Murdoch Activity Centre and on adjacent streets (Murdoch Drive, South Street, Kwinana Freeway south) during afternoon peak period.

A southern connection from the Kwinana Freeway to the Murdoch Activity Centre is required urgently (in the short term) to relieve congestion and enable emergency vehicles and patients to access the site when the Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH) opens in April 2014. The Farrington Road off ramp exit option (north bound) is an interim arrangement (6 – 8 years) put forward by Main Roads Western Australia pending a decision on the proposed Roe Highway Extension, which is subject to environmental and funding approvals.

Estimated Cost: South West Group is seeking the State Government to provide $15 million over the next two years to put in place this short term solution.

Additional lanes on Kwinana Freeway – Roe Highway to Cockburn Central

There is significant congestion on the Kwinana Freeway between Roe Highway and Cockburn Central. Additional lanes along the Kwinana Freeway from Leach Highway to Roe Highway have improved traffic flows along this section of freeway, however unacceptable congestion from the Roe Highway freeway entry point through to Cockburn Central (Armadale Road/Beeliar Drive) is occurring and requires additional freeway lanes to assist in traffic dispersion.

Estimated Cost: South West Group is seeking the State Government to provide $40 million over the next term of Government to construct the additional freeway lanes, noting that this should ideally be completed by mid-2014 to coincide with the operation of the Fiona Stanley Hospital.

Recomended Action

The South West Group is seeking the Federal Government to provide $80 million (50% of total cost) over the next term of government to fund the construction of the Armadale Road Bridge.